Friday, 26 February 2016

Year 2 - Visit to Hartlepool

On Wednesday 24th February, Year 2 went to visit HMS Trincomalee at Hartlepool Historic Quayside to find out about life at sea. We explored the oldest floating ship in the world and investigated pirate artefacts. We watched a cannon being fired - it was really loud! Everyone had a great day and the children were impeccably behaved.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Year 1 - Toys

Year 1 have been having lots of fun learning all about old toys such as marbles, puppets and old computer games. We interviewed some of the teachers about their favourite childhood toys and brought in our own favourites too! Once we had completed lots of fantastic work about our toys, we displayed it for our parents and other year groups to see in our very own museum. We enjoyed showing our parents our hard work and even had some yummy fruit and veg in the Master Chef café afterwards! Thank you to all of the children who visited our museum, we had a great day. 

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

FS2 -Allan Ahlberg

FS2 have been looking at stories by Allan Ahlberg, as part of our 'Author of the Term' work. Last week we read Burglar Bill and designed our own WANTED posters to try and help catch him! We looked carefully at what he looked like and worked hard to come up with some interesting descriptive words to help describe him. We've posted some up around FS2 so come take a look and see if you can help us catch him! Here are a few examples of our fantastic work...