Wednesday 6 March 2013

Year 3 - Prince of Egypt

Over the last two weeks, in Year 3, we have watched the Prince of Egypt film (the story of Moses) over a number of days, as well as sharing the reading of written version of the story, as a stimuls for writing.
As a class, we used Pie Corbett techniques to create our own storymap of the main events, re-telling the story verbally in pairs.Then, the children sequenced the story using pictures, connectives and some detail of the main events by independently creating their own storymap, to aid their extended writing.
This week, we have begun writing our story, focusing on using a wider range of sentence types. After reading the opening to the story again, we have written our own shared opening. The children have then independently written their own opening to the story. We will be continuing to write a shared, and independent part of the story each day - opening, build up, problem, resolution and ending - in order to develop use of paragraphs to move the story onto a new time or place.

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