Wednesday 5 June 2013

Year 4 - Habitats and Tudors

Habitats Homework
In preparation for our habitats science topic, the children have designed and made a 3D garden using an old shoe box or tray. As an extra challenge they had to see how many natural materials they could use. Here is Amelia Kiley, Amelia Yare's and Robynne Goodison’s habitat homework.

Diary of a Tudor Doctor
In Literacy, the Year 4 children have been writing a diary entry as if they were a Tudor doctor. In order to write this diary the children had to research common Tudor illnesses and the cures used at the time. Here is Liam Flecther's and Jason Lister's diary entries.

Tudor Day
As part of our topic work studying the Tudors we had a ‘Tudor Day’ on Wednesday 8thMay. During the day, the children took part in lots of Tudor based activities including a Tudor workshop from an outside organisation, Tudor dancing and Tudor art work. Here is what Lucy Brown thought about this day.

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